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Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize - A Guide for Creative Professionals to Achieve More in 2024

As we approach the end of 2023, the new year lies in wait - ready for those of us who work in the dynamic world of arts and media to hit the ground running with fresh horizons to discover and new mountains to conquer. Goal setting in the creative sphere isn’t just about targets; it’s about nurturing imagination, refining skills, and charting a path toward artistic fulfilment. But how can one set career goals in an industry where success is partly determined by good timing and sheer luck, as well as skills and abilities?

Before you choose your goals for the new year, it’s important to first reflect on the previous year and celebrate achievements, acknowledge challenges and highlight lessons. What worked well for you? What could have been improved? Let these insights inform your 2024 goals.

Next, it’s helpful to define your long-term vision. Is there a substantial creative end goal that will help you determine the smaller goals you will need to achieve now to accomplish this long-term aspiration?

Once you have articulated your goals, it’s crucial these goals are SMART. SMART goals are…

Specific - Be precise! Ask yourself the important who, what, where, when and why of your goals.

Measurable - How will you know you are successful? When will you know you have accomplished your goal?

Achievable - Is this goal realistic? Is it within your capabilities? If not, what skills/resources/knowledge will you need to achieve it? Or, consider setting yourself a more realistic goal.

Relevant - Does this goal align with your values and long-term vision?

Time bound - Does your goal have a due date? If not, set an end date to maintain your motivation towards success.

As you start working towards your goal, remember to periodically track your progress and make adjustments if necessary. Has the goal changed? Or does it need to morph into something else due to unforeseen circumstances? Goals aren’t set in stone, so don’t be afraid to make necessary refinements. Use this time to also assess your advancement and celebrate any milestones which have been achieved so far.

Effective goals can also encourage us to diversify and expand our current skill set. When working in the arts, versatility is key. The exploration of new skills not only enriches our abilities but can also provide fresh opportunities, new networks and creative collaboration. Choosing goals that broaden your current skill set may also include goals related to the business side of your creative profession. This could include learning how to make social media work for your business, how to apply for creative grants or how to claim more at tax time.

Goals don’t have to just focus on achieving success in your professional world. If your work/life balance was out of whack during 2023, maybe your goal for the new year could be to incorporate more self-care. Set goals that prioritise your well-being such as establishing an exercise routine, sleeping more, practicing mindfulness or allocating time for hobbies outside of your profession. It is also worth noting that the consumption of alcohol and recreational drugs is significantly higher within creative sectors compared to more traditional lines of work. If you feel drug or alcohol misuse is an issue for you, consider addressing this in the new year through organisations such as the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015. Nurturing your mental, physical and emotional health will lead to more energy, resilience and a renewed enthusiasm in both your personal life and professional pursuits.

If work seems light on the ground for 2024, why not set goals that instead seek inspiration and fuel your creativity? Attend performances, read more books, explore new music, or develop a new skill outside of your area of expertise. The continual enjoyment of diverse creativity keeps our minds fresh, our souls inspired and our hearts full, which keeps us more resilient as we ride the natural peaks and troughs of a life within the arts.

Everyone at the MEAA Wellness Committee wish all Equity members a joyous festive season, and a vibrant and creative 2024!

Sophie Carter has been a proud member of MEAA since 2003, and has enjoyed a long career in music theatre, film/tv and live contemporary music. She is now a qualified counsellor and coach, offering mental health assistance to those who specifically work in the arts industry through her private practice, Centred Stage.

The above blog first appeared as a printed article in the 2023/24 Equity Yearbook (MEAA) in December 2023. It was edited and updated from a blog posted on the Centre Stage website in January 2023, called How to Achieve More in 2023 - Goal Setting in an Unreliable Industry.

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